Thursday, December 18, 2014

My Health Philosophy and pH Miracle

An Anonymous reader made this comment recently: “Why do you suggest ACV, Zeolite, dried fruit etc. when the blood doesn't lie and Your father advises completely again those toxic substances? It's very confusing or don't you agree and find his protocol dangerous?”

My intention is not to confuse but to encourage you to gather information and make a decision for yourself. My sincere suggestion is that you pray over all the information you get and decide for yourself what’s best for you. If you feel like the pH Miracle is 100% right for you 100% of the time, then live it and enjoy it and do not deviate from it.

From my journey with my own health concerns and children's, I have come to understand that if my body is healthy it is good to eat other things in moderation. I’ve also been helped a great deal by other health practitioners who have taught me beyond the PH Miracle paradigm.

I believe from my own health crisis and healing that food is not the only factor in regaining health. It’s emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.  I actually got my most positive and balanced reports back, when I didn't live so extreme with food. In fact, living the pH Miracle Diet 100% was causing anxiety—not good. I have found the pH Miracle diet to be great for cleansing, or if you are way out of balance in a health crisis. Yet, I was unable to fully rebuild my body and immune system living vegan.

For my family, we don't use a lot of fruit, but if you are referring to dried, very rarely. As for fresh-dried fruit veggie powders (Blendfresh), I do use it in moderation with my family and it has been a great way to get extra nutrition in my kids. If you have children, you will know that you can try to feed them “100% healthy,” but in the end they will feel controlled, deprived, or develop damaging food fears. I feel fruit is good in moderation. So is enjoying a chocolate or a treat now and then.

Zeolite was helpful for my son when he took it for a short while. It might not be right for you.

I have come to a point with all the many voices in the health world, to seek and discern knowledge for myself and then apply what I feel is right for my health and body. I prefer to gather information and pray over it. I would encourage you to do the same. What is right for you? What do you feel your body needs? In my family we live 80% vegan but we also have 20% in moderation. Hope that answers your question. 

Sat Nam,


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Taking Care of Teeth Naturally

Taking care of kidlets and your family is a big responsibility. What to feed them, how to teach
values and all the choices you make for them and help them learn to make for themselves. One aspect is personal hygiene and I started wondering about household hygiene products such as lotions, shampoo, toothpaste, detergent and other items I was using. Especially when I and my kids seemed to be very sensitive souls.

One product I found and loved is Redmond’s Earthpaste toothpaste. Other shelf toothpastes have chemicals and ingredients I didn't understand and fluoride was always argued about. I loved the
simplicity of the ingredients. Its base being a mineral clay with a myriad of mineral salts with clays natural ability to remove acids and its organic natural oils for flavor...and they have a kid friendly flavor! I personally love the peppermint. I feel you can't go wrong when you understand the ingredients of what you choose to use with your families.

Also, we’re new to the Color Earth Mineral Mouthwash, but my family loves it. The kids really like it, they ask for it, and it’s alcohol free. It leaves my mouth feeling minty fresh and clean. I like that it has silver in it for killing bacteria.

Sat Nam,

Friday, December 12, 2014

Sicky Season Blender Soup

1 leek chopped
3 C garden tomatoes
1 red bell pepper
4 stalks celery
2 carrots
1 inch slice cabbage
8 spears asparagus
2 inch slice of raw cauliflower
2 tsp real salt
1 tsp rosemary
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp thyme
1 tsp cumin
1 Tbsp garlic
juice half lime
1 Organic Pacific Veggie Broth
1 avocado
1 C organic coconut unsweetened almond or coconut milk
1/2 C good oils (avocado, olive, Udo’s oil)

*Blend in Blendtec until smooth and warm:) Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Very Berry Christmas Salad


  • Bowl of fresh Organic Greens
  • 2 large color Bell Peppers chopped(red and yellow)
  • 4-5 stalks of org celery chopped
  • 2 small English cucumbers sliced (Costco)
  • 1/4 C hemp seeds,pumpkin seeds and sliced almonds
  • 1 C frozen mixed berries (Costco)
  • soaked almonds


  • Drizzle on top of salad
  • Grapeseed,Avocado or Olive oil (about 1/2 Cup)
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • Real Salt
  • Dash of Zip or Cayenne
  • 3 Tbsp organic coconut palm sugar
  • 2 scoops of favorite organic Blendfresh veggie powders red,green,yellow or purple
  • 1 scoop Blendfresh Sprouts fiber
  • Blendfresh

*Mix dressing throughout the salad and Enjoy! (I flavor a lot to taste)
Have a Very Berry Christmas Everyone:)


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Powerful Natural Antibiotics That Don’t Require A Prescription

I read this article on and thought it would be worth passing along to share with you. It suggests a lot of things that I try with my own family when sickness strikes. Traditional western medicine has it's place and uses, but whenever possible I try to keep things as natural as I can. Here's the article by Amy Goodrich:
Antibiotics are the most commonly prescribed drugs worldwide to treat bacterial infections. But these overused drugs have many negative side effects. They kill our friendly gut bacteria, mess up our digestive system, lower immunity, and give rise to the development of super-bacteria that become resistant to the most powerful drugs, which can be very dangerous.
Instead of opting for these dangerous and health-harming substances, opt for the much easier and cheaper ways nature provides. Probably they are already hiding in your fridge or pantry.
Like Hippocrates said: “Let food be the medicine and medicine be the food”
Here’s a list of the most powerful natural antibiotics nature provides:

1.    Garlic And Onions

Garlic and onions are close relatives that both have very strong antibiotic, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Raw garlic or onions contain a sulfur compound which give them their antibiotic properties. They can be used to treat a wide range of health issues such as earaches, pneumonia, the flu, colds, and MRSA (an antibiotic-resistant strain of Staphylococci).

2.    Raw Honey

Raw honey has been used for ages to treat wounds and prevent bacterial infections. An enzyme found in honey release hydrogen peroxide which kills bacteria, removes toxins, boosts immune system, and soothes the digestive tract.

3.    Echinacea

Echinacea strengthens our immune system to naturally fight bacterial infections. Echinacea is mostly used to treat colds, flu, and other bacterial related diseases. It can even kill the most virulent bacteria such as MRSA.

4.    Grapefruit Extract

Grapefruit extract is very effective against more than 800 strains of harmful viruses and bacteria. It is high in antioxidants that boost immunity, improve digestion, and strengthen the beneficial gut bacteria.

5.    Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

ACV is a natural astringent and can be used topically or internally to treat bacterial infections and soothe the digestive tract. Add one tablespoon ACV together with honey and lemon juice to 1 glass of water and drink up to 3 times a day until symptoms disappear. Click here to learn more about ACV.

6.    Oil Of Oregano

The biggest advantage of oregano oil is that it get rid of harmful bacteria without disrupting the friendly gut bacteria. It also has anti-viral and antifungal properties, but make sure when you buy oil of oregano that it has at least 70% of is most powerful bacteria killing ingredient, carvacrol.

7.    Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many benefits for our health. It works as a natural antibiotic and has antifungal properties as well. It is packed with antioxidants and other beneficial phytonutrients to boost your immune system and is safe to use internally or externally.
I often add a spoonful to my morning smoothie to increase energy and strengthen my Immune system.

8.    Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver has been used for centuries as a natural antibiotic. It destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi. It can successfully be used to treat topical wounds, sores, MRSA infections and many other bacterial infections.
However, do not use colloidal silver over longer periods as too much silver can be toxic for your body.

9.    Cabbage

Cabbage contains sulfur compounds, antioxidants, and is very high in vitamin C to strengthen your immune system, improve digestion, and fight bacteria naturally. Raw shredded cabbage or cabbage juice works best. Cabbage juice works great to treat stomach ulcers. Drink half a cup up to 3 times a day between meals. You can add a teaspoon raw honey to improve the taste and effectiveness!

10.   Other Herbs With Strong Antibiotic Properties

Add them to your daily dishes or make a healing herbal tea to strengthen your immune system and fight fend off harmful bacteria.
  • Thyme
  • Mint
  • Basil
  • Cinnamon
  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon balm
  • Turmeric
  • Oregano
  • Cumin
  • Tarragon
  • Cloves
  • Chili peppers
  • Marjoram
  • Caraway or black seed
  • Coriander
  • Dill
  • Nutmeg
  • Cardamom
  • Pepper
  • Ginger
  • Anise
  • Fennel
  • Mustard
  • Parsley
Try these natural antibiotics instead of relying on the harmful substances your doctor prescribes you. They won’t harm your body and taste great.
Read the original here: