Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Garden Gazpacho Fall Soup

With a Fall breeze in the air and the garden in full bloom, this is a staple soup our family enjoys at least once a week...straight from our organic garden. The jalepeno in it is great to keep the internal furnace circulation nice and warm. Enjoy!

Garden Gazpacho Fall Soup

    1 cucumber
    1 bell pepper (red)
    1 slice jalepeno
    6 ripe tomatoes
    1 Handful of small golden tomatoes
    3 stalks celery
    2 large collard green leaf
    1 lemon juiced
    1 tsp. Cumin
    2 Tbsp. real salt
    ½ tsp. garlic powder
    1/2 cup org extra virgin olive oil
Blend in vita mix or blender with a handful of ice for a cooling soup or blend on high for 3min. For a warmed raw soup!

We serve it with some purple rice, quinoa or with teff tortillas and lots of avocado.

Sat Nam, Ashley

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Healthy & Affordable Cookware

So I have been wanting new pans that have a safe non-toxic surface, but are easy to cook with and clean, and at a reasonable price. Seemed like just a dream But I found these GreenLife brand cookware and they are great.

Here's their website: http://www.greenlife-cookware.com/

They have a safe, porcelain, non-toxic, amazing non-stick surface and they are so affordable! For 2 omelet-size pans and stir fry size pan they were $29. They are sold at Walmart and if you want a whole new set of cookware the total amount is $69. Plus they come in this beautiful aqua white finish...your veggies look so beautiful and vibrant when you cook with them. Yes I love aesthetically pleasing things.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Products to Prioritize Question

Christopher wrote:
I am on limited finances. I have used your [phour salts] for some time. However, I now see you have other products that all appear very good & useful. Example:

Phour Salts
Ultimate Body Detox Pack
Advanced Cellular Silver
Advanced Cellular Glutathione
Advanced Cellular Zeolite

I have no health issues/concerns. Just desire to maintain good health. Considering all you know about the products, if you were limited on money, which product or products would you see as first, second, etc.???

Dear Christopher,

I completely understand when it comes to budgeting... So you said you are in good health. If it were me, I would have a supply of pHour Salts on hand to replenish the body of the 4 body salts as you feel you need it. I take things really based on listening to my body and I would encourage you to do the same. As for the 3 new products you are looking at, I feel it is good to purchase the 3 together if you are in a health crisis or you feel you need to do a reboot cleanse, annually or biannually.

These new supplements are really high-quality products. I like them a lot. Each has great benefits on its own. But we often have to prioritize.

A method that I have come up with so I am able to purchase all the products we need is: I budget 1 supplement per week into my food budget. That way I can slowly get the products I want or need and they never usually run out at the same time. That way you will only usually need to replace one at a time depending on how much you use it. Ultimate Body Detox

I would prioritize the silver (ACS 200) as we are going into the sicky season. It’s great to use when you’re feeling sick. So if you ever feel a bit off take a few sprays throughout the day. Next, I’d say purchase the glutithione (ACG) to take twice a day for anitoxidant maintenance. If you have test results that indicate heavy metal toxicity or you have mental fog, prioritize the zeolite (ACZ Nano) for removing heavy metals. This can also be an annual or biannual thing.

I hope that made sense...
  1. Have a supply of pHour Salts to use for maintenance of pH...I like to take salts first thing in the morning in water before I am active and before food.
  2. Budget for 1 product per week or every other week as you can.
  3. Prioritize which of the 3 detox supplements you feel is needed first, second, third etc.. . .trust and listen to your body.
  4. If you want to do an annual or biannual cleanse purchase all three if you have the budget, otherwise work up to it. :)
Hope this helps!

Sat Nam,

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Eating Well Challenge

Early on in my health crisis journey I had a question: How do I feed myself and my family an organic, mostly raw diet, and keep to a reasonable budget and not need a personal chef that cooks for me?

I felt responsible for my and my family’s health, but worried that trying to feed us right would break the bank. Yet I believed it was possible to eat high quality food without requiring a luxurious lifestyle and budget. So I set out to figure it out for myself. I knew it was part of my journey to figure this out and on my own for me and my family's health.

When I’d get with friends and we’d talk about groceries and budgets, they would often say the same thing, "You have to be rich,” or “Its too expensive,” or “I could never cook that way, I don't like to be in the kitchen.” I too didn't want to spend hours in the kitchen and had to stick to a budget.

Through careful thought, meal planning, and list making, I now know it is absolutely possible and even simple to shop, cook and eat this way.

Now when my friends doubt that this can be done I ask them what their budget is, and what food they buy. When we compare their budget to my budget for a family of 5 with a teenager that includes organic raw foods, household items and an occasional supplement and food storage item. . .the result: my spending matches theirs, and is often even less.

So I would encourage you, because I know it is possible, to make the effort to buy food and feed yourself and your loved ones in a way that will please your body and your wallet.

Any questions? Email me at: ashley@phmlife.com

Sat Nam,

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Weight Gain and Exercise

Susan wrote in and asked this question:
“I have been using the pH Miracle products for the past year. I am currently using the Greens, salt tablets and the electrolytes for athletes. I am 54 and training for my first marathon which will be in 2 weeks in Chicago. However, over the past 3 months, I have accumulated a lot a body fat and lose skin in spite of all of my training.
I check my pH urine almost every day and am mostly alkaline. Can you tell me if there is something else I should be doing? I'd like to lose this body fat because I realize it is toxins. I cannot do a cleanse right now because I am on my feet all day in front of people (I'm a personal trainer). What do you suggest?

It could be many things but my first guess is it might not be diet related, but due to over exertion and not enough reserves.

When you train and push yourself hard, physically, your adrenals can become fatigued. The anterior pituitary and then the adrenal glands balance all hormones. When you start to train and if you over train and don't have enough reserves, the body is very smart and will produce more and more cortisal and more male hormones and hold onto extra fat in attempts to balance the body. The body is designed to keep a certain amount of healthy fat for a balanced system. Overexertion can even be acid producing as the body may have a hard time keeping up with removal of build up from lactic acid and tissue and muscle breakdown.

As far as diet goes, it sounds like you are doing great. The foods that cause fat build up are acid foods ...sugar, processed, etc... I do suggest using a good organic raw vegan protein powder with nuts and seeds to use especially after training for rebuilding the body. The body will always try to maintain a balance. I have a bit bias when it comes to exercise because I believe moderation, changing up routine and rest is what will ultimately put the body into the most healthy balanced state....moderation in all good things:) However, I support you in your goal, good luck!

Send me your questions at ashley@phmlife.com

Sat Nam,

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sat Nam: Your True Self

“Sat Nam” is one of my favorite mantras and you will see me use it frequently in my posts. So I thought it would be wise to tell you a little about what it means.

“Sat Nam” (sounds more like ‘sot nom’) is a Sanskrit Kundalini yoga mantra or chant that is usually done at the end of a class. The reason this particular mantra rang in me is because I love its meaning. “Sat” means "TRUE or Truth" and Nam means "Name"...so together it means "True Self" or my name/identity is "Truth".

As long as I have lived I have quickly picked up or discerned when things or people feel a bit off or if they felt clear, genuine, pure or true. With any message or advice I have learned from others, from experience or living I hope to deliver or pass on only things I feel are right, pure or true. As you are embarking on your own personal learning experience or journey in life, I encourage all I meet to not just take advice but to pray, discern and think for themselves if it is right, pure or true for you. You will not fail if you follow this pattern first.

I believe we are not ultimately in complete control of our lives; when you acknowledge this, you can and will be led by a higher source. That is when your life unfolds as it should.

Also, remember you can send me questions at: ashley@phmlife.com.

Sat Nam Moma